Every object appears in the color of those wavelengths that it reflects the strongest. The human eye barely able to perceive small different color compositions (figure 1).
Our ColorMatching systems can simulate all daylight situations. The LED color control optics (LEDCCO) are controlled by digital signals and the optimal assessment light is set.
The main reflected wavelengths in light waves that are used for lightning are reduced depending on the assessment share.
This causes color differences that we otherwise covered over to become well visible. Consequence: Color errors and color differences between different workpieces or materials become clearly visible (figure 2).
Our ColorMatching systems can be used where precise color matching of different parts and materials is important.
Figure 1: Light with homogeneous distributed wavelength shares. The red reflection covers over the color difference between RED 1 and RED 2.
Figure 2: Light with reduced wavelength shares according to the object color. Clear color difference between RED 1 and RED 2
Using a ColorMatching system with LED-technology offers a lot of advantages to the operator compared to a ColorMatching system with fluorescent tubes.
Reduced power consumption:
Due to the newest LED-technology the power consumption of the LED color control optic is reduced by 55%.
Reduced heat development:
The use of LED-illuminants is guaranteeing a reduced heat development by at least 60%.
Slim design:
The design height (depth) of the LED color control optic has been reduced by 30%.
Improved grade:
The spectrum of the standard illuminant F65 has been improved and complies to the grade 1 according to DIN6173.
Immediate fielding:
The LED color control optic can be used directly after turning it on. The warm-up phase is no longer needed.
Optimized light surface:
The LED color control optic has an evenly beaming luminous surface.
Inspection independent of any angle:
Even light without any optical and color flaws, with stationary and changing the test position.
Reduced maintenance requirement:
The maintenance requirements of the LED color control optic is greatly reduced
2 x LED light unit
Reflectance of the products
high to very high
Shows defects
Color differences
2 x LED lamp
Reflectance of the products
high to very high
Shows defects
blisters, bubbles, paint runs, dirt, color defects