We provide even more opportunities! By using our standard system MONITOR you gain control over your company in an efficient way, but sometimes you want that little extra something.
Our consultants possess extensive knowledge and vast experience in implementing ERP systems.

Our consultants are responsible for implementing MONITOR as well as for training all users. All consultants have overall as well as detailed knowledge about MONITOR and are used to managing projects. They have vast knowledge and experience in MONITOR implementations. Our consultants focus on your goals. All consultants always use the same concept when implementing MONITOR. However, the required time can vary depending on the size of your company.
Sometimes different integrations are necessary between MONITOR and other systems. Here are some examples.
This integration creates a link between MONITOR and a high bay storage. The high bay storage integration recognizes when stock transactions are to be made for stored parts. An order file will then be sent to the high bay storage’s control system, and the user gets a complete job that only needs to be started instead of manually having to enter each part that should be picked. If the high bay storage’s control system supports stock count, this data will be imported and the stock count will also take place in MONITOR.
iConnect is an integration between CAD systems and MONITOR. This is developed by Cadcraft together with Monitor. By using iConnect, you can transfer part data from construction to MONITOR. The purpose of iConnect is to facilitate the input of parts and structures in MONITOR. With iConnect, there is less manual handling of data between the programs and the user has more time for other tasks. iConnect also shortens the lead time from order to production.
Our Adaptation team can create unique solutions for you, solutions that will take you all the way. Here are some of our most common adaptations.
Customized Reports
Involves everything from plain to updatable reports.
Document Adjustments
Document adjustments can be made according to your needs.
This is made in connection with the installation.
We can also add further information afterwards, perform massupdates, and merge/divide databases into several companies.
Special Import/Export
This can for example be BOM and routings from CAD systems, financial data to external systems or the governing group system.
Database Adaptations
Here you can save customer specific information, etc.
Web Reporting
By using this adaptation you can report purchase orders, customer orders, and manufacturing orders via Internet directly on your PC. You can also perform stock count, switching of locations, and stock withdrawals.
Link to Machines
It is possible to have links to machines to obtain the information you need in MONITOR.
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