01 Sept 2018

Satisfied MONITOR users since 1998


Rimaster AB is a leading supplier of cable harnesses, electrical cabinets, electronics and cabs for special vehicles and industrial systems. Today, Rimaster has about 600 employees, operating in seven companies worldwide.

The company has expanded a lot since 1998 and almost doubled the number of employees during the past 6 years. Rimaster has managed the challenges involved in such an expansion together with MONITOR.

What has made you loyal MONITOR users for so long?

– We are satisfied MONITOR users since 1998. MONITOR supports our business, our users are satisfied and the user interface is good, says Tomas Stålnert, Vice President, Operations, at Rimaster.

Do you find that Monitor focuses on the customer?

– Monitor ERP System AB is a supplier that listens to its customers and asks questions about our requirements. One of the main advantages is that Monitor works directly with the customer without any middlemen. This means smooth direct communication and dialog. The Monitor Support Center works well in most cases, says Per Mårtensson, IT manager at Rimaster AB.

Have you ever considered changing your ERP system?

– A few years back, when our expansion was at its height, we thought about other ERP systems, but in consultation with Monitor, we found good solutions and were able to continue using MONITOR. We can even speak directly with MONITOR programmers if we come across serious problems. This is a good example of our functioning customer-supplier relationship. Which other system supplier offer that service? Per says.

What is your relation to Monitor’s consultants?

– We use Monitor’s consultants proactively to learn about new features in the system and to make different processes more efficient and also for specific projects and adaptations. Monitor’s trainers and consultants have been a great help when merging companies. Any adaptations needed are created by Monitor’s programmers and it is a huge advantage that those who create the adaptation also know how the system works. We never have to involve a third party if we need an adaptation, Per says.

What parts of MONITOR do you use in your business?

– The companies within the Rimaster group use all features in MONITOR and one of the companies also use the Product Configurator. The MONITOR Agent option is used by the entire group. We couldn’t manage without it, Per says.

– An important function for us is MONITOR-to-MONITOR which we use between companies within the group as well as with our external suppliers. Using MONITOR-to-MONITOR saves us a lot of time, Per says.

“Using MONITOR-to-MONITOR saves us a lot of time.”

Per Mårtensson
Rimaster AB