Quickly connect devices and sensors, and integrate and analyse the data they generate by using Cumulocity IoT from Software AG.
Bridge your OT and IT landscapes by using our unique combination of leading IoT & integration capabilities, allowing for multi-cloud, best-of-breed architectures, and years of practical experience with hundreds of successful projects.
Increase operational efficiencies
- Cut maintenance costs by 30% and machine downtime by 50%
- Improve productivity and asset management
- Make business processes more efficient
Improve the customer experience
- Increase your strategic value to customers
- Customize offers and pricing
- Deliver more of the features customers want based on insights in use
Innovate, differentiate, disrupt
- Create new business models, such as everything as a service
- Empower subject matter experts with agile self-service IoT tools
- Shorten innovation cycles
Triple your ROI from IoT
Explore the cost savings & business benefits of Software AG’s Cumulocity IoT platform.